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Kuala Lumpur
April 24, 2024

GIIS KL Students Urge Wildlife Protection

Imagine a school assembly filled with the sights and sounds of the wild! This is exactly what unfolded at GIIS KL recently, as the energetic students of Grade 9A took center stage for a unique event: a World Wildlife Protection Assembly.

The morning began with a touch of tradition: the Malaysian National Anthem and a prayer. But the air crackled with anticipation as the "thought of the day" wasn't a quote, but a call to action: protecting the world's precious wildlife.

To set the mood, a calming musical performance soothed the audience. Students then transformed into advocates for various endangered species. Armed with eye-catching placards and pictures, they brought the plight of these animals to life.

But this wasn't just a show-and-tell. The students delved deeper, highlighting the crucial role governments play in safeguarding these vulnerable creatures. The message was clear: protecting wildlife isn't just about sympathy, it's about maintaining a delicate balance in our environment.

This impactful assembly wasn't just about raising awareness. It was a shining example of how education can empower young minds. Guided by their teacher, Ms. Harbinder Kaur, the students showcased their creativity, aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education through innovation (Gem 5) and a powerful visual presentation (Gem 3), all based on the 9GEMS holistic education framework adopted by GIIS KL.

The assembly left a lasting impression on everyone present. It was a powerful reminder that even young voices can roar for change, urging us all to become responsible stewards of our planet.


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